Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Are They Really Judging Me?

I was struck recently by how much I think about whether I am judging someone or being judged. Last night watching Dancing With the Stars I was amazed when one of the competitors was visibly upset and made the comment that she worried about what other people thought. This was someone who has lived a lot of life in the public eye and was concerned about what others thought. 

How sad that so often we allow what others think determine what we do and how we do it. We allow perceived judgment to dictate how we live our lives.  I think what's even sadder is when we judge those we think are judging us. In other words we think we know what someone else is thinking so we treat them differently because of it. 

Maybe we think they disapprove of our life choices so we shut them out of our lives. Maybe we even think we have proof because of things that might have been said or taken out of context and we use that to judge their judgment. 

This seems to especially apply to family. I think so often we worry about what our family might think so we don't let them see the truth or we stay away in order to protect ourselves from what we think they will do or say. We judge their judgment. Maybe even over information heard from sources other than direct. 

The reality is until we allow them to act out their words we really don't know what they think. And odds are as so often is true we worry about things that other people aren't even thinking. What selfish thoughts we have to think that any and everyone is so concerned with what we do that they are judging us.  Most of the time when we worry about what others think they aren't even thinking about us. 

So today I'm just gonna try and focus on the only opinion that matters. That is my God who is the only opinion I need. And I'm going to strive not to judge or imagine judgment where it likely doesn't exist. 

Forgive often and love easily. We were given the greatest gift and as we draw close to Easter we need to be focused fully on what He gave for us and give that to others. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

When the Water Rises

“And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said, ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’” Acts 11:16 ESV

I have been privileged to live in a variety of locations and in doing so I have experienced a variety of natural disaster type events. I've sat in hallways with tornados blowing by. Moved inland to watch the sky turn orange during a hurricane. I have driven in and been closed in by blizzards and most recently I sat through a flood. 

I have to be honest the flooding seemed more challenging than the others. I'm not sure why. If it was the fear of losing power or not being able to just take control and drive out or just waiting to see if the water would rise so high that it would enter the house and we would have to leave. I honestly don't know how Mrs. Noah didn't go crazy during the flood. 

One of the first things I noticed as the waters rose is that everything and I mean even heavy things began to float. Things that weren't attached and some that were attached just began to rise up and move. I chased gas cans and trash cans and fished some other floating debris before it could get too far away. 

Then the water started to recede and we were able to survey the damage and go to church. What a blessing to be able to get out. And then God showed me a beautiful lesson. There is debris. Lots of debris. It was flushed out of unknown places. Pieces of wood and excess stuff and lots of trash. And now it's lying al over waiting to be gathered up and thrown away or burned. 

What a great image of how the Holy Spirit works. He floods our life with His power and presence. He washes out the debris. The light easy things and the heavy nasty things. He cleanses us of all the impurities that on our own we don't always recognize. And it's overwhelming and continual. 

At first He comes in quickly and washes away the stuff we know needs to go. But over time He continues to flood us and sometimes we struggle with the enormity of the water and we try to hold on to the debris. It hurts and it's wedged deep inside but the Spirit keeps flowing and eroding those places away. 

Finally as we see the debris we gather it up and let it burn out of our lives. We throw it away and realize that we are becoming cleaner and clearer and more like Him. I read a blog today that said our greatest dream should be Jesus. Jesus can't be where the debris (sin) is. It has to be washed away by the Spirit. That's why Jesus came to wash away our sins and cleanse us from our impurities and the Holy Spirit is the power that continues to clean us. 

When we allow the floods to wash the impurities then God restores and rebuilds us in stronger purer form. We are His and will someday stand pure in His presence. 

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7 ESV

The best part of being flooded by he Spirit is that He will fill us with the better things. The things that don't need to be burned or tested. The fruits of the Spirit. 
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

That's what the Spirit is doing when He floods our lives. Making room for the fruit. Are you prepared for the flood of His presence?  Let him wash away the debris and let the fruit grow. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Missed Opportunities

Obedience without question. That is hard to do. This weekend I had an opportunity. Just a small encounter where I felt God directing me and I hesitated. Not long and I did complete the task but that small amount of hesitation caused me to miss a blessing. I missed the chance to see a smile and that made me wonder. 

How many times has God called me to do something and I missed it?  Maybe by a little or maybe a lot. What a realization that if I would just obey immediately I would have the opportunity to not only bless but be blessed and further the kingdom of God just a little bit. 

It made me think how frustrated I get when my kids don't immediately obey what I ask of them. I wonder how frustrated God gets with me. All because I waited. I waited to keep from stepping on someone's toes or I was scared. And I missed it. I missed the opportunity. How sad God must get when we miss a divine appointment and someone else has to do what we should have. 

I'm praying for eyes to see and courage to act more quickly when I feel God's quiet prompt. Not to run ahead looking for something but to just be focused on Him so when He says move I move. Just trust and obey. That's all He asks. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Flying Time

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (ESV) He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

You hear all the time how time flies.  It seems like the minutes go faster the older we get.  And yet some days seem to drag.  I'm not really sure why that is the case but lately the moments seem to become seconds and fly through space without anything to slow them down.  That is good and bad.  Good in that I'm ready to move to the next phase - to be married to the man I love and move and get settled into a new normal.  Bad in that my kids are just weeks away from graduation and being far more independent than I think I'm ready for. 

Every day seems to gain speed in some ways and slow down in others.  It's funny time - what is it really.  I really don't think we have a clue.  It's just a marker that we live by to try to anticipate the future.  Realistically speaking I believe the reason our time and God's time never seem the same is because we really have no concept of time.  We can't comprehend what God does and so He gave us this way to track our days to give us some sense of security. 

When I look back at how it always seemed like time dragged and realize how many things and people I don't remember I realize that time is relative to the moment we are in.  The years all seem to merge together into a blur of mismatched memories that really I can't keep straight.  I envy people who can mark time and memories and tell you exactly what happened on a certain day or month or year.  I don't really understand how that works because for me there are moments that really stand out and then there are long stretches that just run together.  Dates are not my thing.  It's not that I don't have very specific memories but they are more centered around what happen than when. 

I was just thinking today and trying to put a time on something and realized it had been much longer than I thought.  It happens so quickly that I look back and realize time has passed.  They say time heals all wounds and I guess that is true because for me at least the bad things don't seem to pop up and I really have to think to nail down dates.  For me that's good except for the number of people that I honestly don't remember.  I can sometimes see the faces in my mind but I can't find the names or even remember the events.  It's sad and make me feel like a really bad friend or person.  I am trying harder these days to be more intentional and just hold on to people but it's hard. 

In my heart all the people are a part of me and I know they have impacted my life - they helped me through times when I was lost or alone and even though I don't remember every name and every face I am who I am because of those who touched even a small part of me.

Thank you.  Thank you all for each touch - those remembered and forgotten.  Thank you.