I was struck recently by how much I think about whether I am judging someone or being judged. Last night watching Dancing With the Stars I was amazed when one of the competitors was visibly upset and made the comment that she worried about what other people thought. This was someone who has lived a lot of life in the public eye and was concerned about what others thought.
How sad that so often we allow what others think determine what we do and how we do it. We allow perceived judgment to dictate how we live our lives. I think what's even sadder is when we judge those we think are judging us. In other words we think we know what someone else is thinking so we treat them differently because of it.
Maybe we think they disapprove of our life choices so we shut them out of our lives. Maybe we even think we have proof because of things that might have been said or taken out of context and we use that to judge their judgment.
This seems to especially apply to family. I think so often we worry about what our family might think so we don't let them see the truth or we stay away in order to protect ourselves from what we think they will do or say. We judge their judgment. Maybe even over information heard from sources other than direct.
The reality is until we allow them to act out their words we really don't know what they think. And odds are as so often is true we worry about things that other people aren't even thinking. What selfish thoughts we have to think that any and everyone is so concerned with what we do that they are judging us. Most of the time when we worry about what others think they aren't even thinking about us.
So today I'm just gonna try and focus on the only opinion that matters. That is my God who is the only opinion I need. And I'm going to strive not to judge or imagine judgment where it likely doesn't exist.
Forgive often and love easily. We were given the greatest gift and as we draw close to Easter we need to be focused fully on what He gave for us and give that to others.