Back in December I received a ring that was replacing a ring that was a promise. The first ring promised that the relationship had purpose and direction. The second ring defined it as leading to commitment. In a few short weeks I will exchange vows with my fiancé and commit my life to him.
At the moment I'm trying to write my vows and that is no easy task. You see I was raised to believe that if you promised to do something you did all you could not to break that promise. So I've never taken that lightly. Because there is nothing more disappointing and heartbreaking than a broken promise. With my kids when they were little and asked for something or to do something I tried hard not to promise something unless I knew I could make it happen. In my life and work I've tried to always keep my word.
Since I was married before and so was my fiancé we both are looking at marriage very differently than we did the first time. We don't want to make the same mistakes. Marriage is hard work and takes a one hundred percent commitment from both people. I can't say that I'm perfect and so of course I've made many mistakes in all of my relationships.
As I think about these vows I can't help but think of the covenant/promise/vow that God made from the beginning to us.
“And this is the promise that he made to us—eternal life.” 1 John 2:25 ESV
From the beginning everything God intended was for us to be with Him eternally and yet He gave us the free will to choose. We could choose to accept His promise of eternity or as we know choose not to accept. That's a long time to keep a promise. And yet everything in the Bible reflects His continual fulfillment of the promise. Even when people made mistakes. Little mistakes or big mistakes - God still loves us enough to plan for eternity.
So as I think of my vows I want to be honest and express freely what I want to promise to do as a wife. And I want to do all I can to not break those promises. In order to do that my very first vow to my future husband is to Seek God First. Because only when I seek Him first will I be able to even come close to not breaking my promises. And since I'm human it will take daily and sometimes moment by moment seeking God to keep from messing up.
I don't want a breakable contract with my future husband - I want a God ordained covenant and that only comes from Him.
So in just a few short weeks I will put on a new ring that will always remind me of the promises I make. And a visual reminder to just seek God first.