Friday, August 21, 2015


I love lemonade and until recently summertime meant lemonade.  It's funny how what's inside of us can affect our entire being.  Whether it's something we eat or read or hear.  Until I was told I was allergic to lemons (and a variety of other things) I would have never suspected that a lot of good things going in my body were actually causing me a great deal of pain. 

Lemonade is made when the lemon gets squeezed.  I've learned over the years that when things get squeezed, crushed, pressed and stomped on what is inside comes out and that is what is real.  On the outside some things are quite beautiful and can appear amazingly attractive while on the inside there is a putrid or ugliness that spills out when squeezed.  Lemons when squeezed make sour juice but when mixed with sugar they make a delicious beautiful drink and yet if I drink a glass what it does inside of me is not so good.  When I stopped eating the many things my body reacts to I realized just how bad those things made me feel. 

We don't always see how things are hurting us.  Then we get squeezed or bumped and the ugly comes out.  People are especially good at this.  We can be fine one minute and spewing enough venom to kill things the next.  We don't realize that what is inside of us has become ugly until we get squeezed and it comes pouring out.  Words are most painful and although they may just seem like dots on a page they can do the most damage when they aren't filtered through God's love.  But beyond our words our actions can truly reflect the heart of the words.  I can say that I love people but if I don't show it to those around me in kindness then my words are like the Bible says - a clanging symbol.

Often times our words reflect the unseen.  Our life circumstances may be causing us frustration, bitterness, anger or a wealth of other ugly emotions but on the outside we may reflect that all is fine - until somebody messes with our plans or somehow squeezes us.  Then the anger, bitterness, frustrations all come spewing out.  And when that happens the words cut deep and reflect to the receiver a reality that may not be real.  The perception becomes that the words are true and meant as a reflection on who we are and what the other person truly believes about us or the circumstances. 

This passage in James is a good reminder of how powerful the tongue can be and how it reflects what is deep in us that sometimes we don't even know is there. James 3:9-12, NIV "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."

I am far from perfect at reigning in my tongue and sometimes when I'm tired, hungry, stressed or worried the trickle down words occur.  Maybe I lash out at someone close to me and then regret what I've said.  It's probably nothing that they did to set me off but maybe it's a reflection of the fear in my heart.  See, I like to be in control so when I'm not or feel like I'm not then I react.  The only problem with that is that I'm exhibiting a behavior that isn't always the norm and the words that come out reflect the fear rather than the grace. 

We are the worst with our families.  I think because we expect them to always love us we don't think twice about lashing out with our words.  We just assume they know we love them and forget that sometimes our words seem to reflect what we perceive to be true.  Once the words are out there they can't be taken back.  They can't be forgiven and disappear.  They leave a lasting mark.  Oh, very likely we will move on and forgive but a lifetime of letting the venom out on those we love leaves a lasting mark.  Maybe those we lash out become far more susceptible to overlooking flaws in relationships they should avoid, or learning to push down our emotions and not let the world see the hurt that breaks us, or we become silent and stay away or maybe we just put on a happy face and then when we get squeezed we lash out at the next person we come across. 

The only way to combat the marks left by our words is through our actions.  We have to show love in every way we can and then use the words as a back up only.  Because words really can't be trusted.  They are after all just words.  I think that's why faith without works is not a true reflection of faith.  Granted I believe with all my heart that you can't work and be good enough to get to heaven, that requires faith in our Lord as our Savior.  But if we truly have faith and have asked Jesus to be our Savior then our actions should reflect His love in our lives.  So if our works don't reflect His love then maybe we need to determine if we really believe He has saved us and lives in our hearts. 

I'm not saying if you get upset and lash out then you don't have Jesus in your life.   We all have bad days where we let the frustrations of life come in between us and God.  That's when we have to be careful.  Are we putting enough God inside to help us in those moments to filter our words and actions in love?  Because then maybe we wouldn't get upset if things didn't go our way or if we get squeezed a little by life. 

So I leave with this verse - James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.We all need healing - whether we lash out with words or actions or whether we are the ones who feel the pain.  Pray for one another always.  Our most powerful tool.

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