Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What You See May Not Be What You Get

Matthew 7: 1-2 NIV 1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

So many times I've heard or said - "What you see is what you get".  In other words the person or thing is exactly on the inside as you see on the outside.  That is so not true.  We all wear masks.  Masks that allow people to see what we want them to see.  We don't want people to know who or what we really are, so we put on our mask.  Maybe it's our - happy, go lucky mask - or our don't mess with me I'm tough mask or look at me I'm the perfect Christian mask.  Whatever the mask, it hides the truth.  The truth of who and what we are and how we came to be that person.

My kids love the Phantom of the Opera and have for a very long time.  They fell in love with the music and drama.  It is such a great story of how a mask can hide what is truly inside.  Sometimes our mask is to cover the physical flaws we perceive we have.  The things that we feel make us less than.  Sometimes are masks hide what we have experienced in life.

Our culture dwells in the land of judgment.  We judge what we see and often our first perception of someone is based on what we see rather than who they are.  If they don't look like us or talk like us or act like us we consider them in one or two ways - as less than or more than us.  Why? Because we fear what we do not understand and we compare ourselves to one another rather than trying to just be the child God made us to be.

Sometimes we need to really stop ourselves and get out of our comfort zone in order to reach people who are living behind their masks.  We don't know what path anyone else has been called to walk.  Maybe those tattoos mean more than just a rebellious phase, or those piercings mean they find beauty in things we don't.  Maybe the perfect makeup and clothes hide a heart that is broken and lost because of abuse or neglect and a desire to maintain control.  Until we know each story we don't really know anyone. 

God doesn't call us to judge - He calls us to love.  He walked with people that were unlovely and broken.  The woman at the well and the tax collectors and the people that society overlooked.  How often do we judge someone as different so therefore we can't love them.  Now I do know that we still have to maintain boundaries.  There are people who are very good at manipulating what you see to hide a very ugly interior.  Those people can be toxic and damaging so loving them is a little more challenging.  But with God even difficult people need love - you just may need to be wise in how you give that love.  My life has been an ongoing struggle with not judging and not allowing what others think to shape me.  I am by nature a people pleaser and that can lead to me being judgmental as well as feeling judged when in reality the people that I worry about what they think about me, probably don't really think about me. 

So when you see a quiet person or someone who looks different - refrain from that first initial judgment based on appearance - see if the book is deeper than the cover.  You may find a very dear friend or someone who needs your experience to help them overcome their mask.

Don't be afraid to take off your mask - only when we are transparent will those around us also be transparent.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Birthing Babies

James 1:4 (NIV) Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

As a mother my birthing experiences were not too complex in the grand scheme of things.  My daughter was fifteen days late and eventually the doctor had to go in and get her.  The second birth was stillborn and was a natural birth as termed by doctors with my son being the last and delivered three weeks earlier than his due date but as a scheduled C-section.  All in all the recovery from the births was not too challenging physically and the pregnancies were relatively easy.  I was very blessed as a mother. 

The funny thing is the birth pains last a life time.  Each time my kids do something or achieve something there are birth pains or maybe growth pains involved.  I never really had contractions except with the baby I lost and those were medically induced.  So to say I had a lot of pain during birth would not be true for the most part.  The pain really comes later. 

Over the years the birth pains have occurred at different times.  The first friendships that were formed and then didn't survive.  When they came home upset because of something someone said or did.  With grades and homework and not being able to do something they wanted for whatever reason.  The time my daughter rode her bike for ten miles with a friend to another city then called to tell me she was getting a ride home from someone's parent.  Those pains create fear.  Fear of what could have been or what could be and then the realization that I may be the parent but there really is nothing I can control in their lives.

I can try to control their lives - I can teach them and love them and manipulate them or guilt them into doing the things that I think they should but the reality is that's not real and so not fair to them.  I'm just a director or guide in the grand scheme of their lives - the only one in control is God.  He knows the plans He has for them - not me.  My job is to pray and to have the courage and strength to let them make mistakes and learn and grow into the people He wants them to be. 

My daughter is about to make plans for her next journey - graduate school and beyond just as my son is making plans for the beginning of his journey with choosing a college and how far he will be from mom.  There is much pain as we walk through this next birth stage but the most beautiful thing as a mother is seeing the growth.  That which was birthed in them through God as a part of who they are - driving them to see what comes next and making decisions and walking the hard roads - that is where the beauty of the birth lies. 

Both of my kids have known challenges.  They have struggled and I have cried for them and with them.  But each time I see the most beautiful things come out of their pain - a deeper understanding of who they are and what that means in God's plan.  How they use their pain to deepen their level of compassion for others and the wisdom they gain. 

The reality is that it is only in pain that strength and grace grow.  The mercy we recognize we need allows us to give mercy to others.  I've tried not to shelter them too much - there are reasons I am sometimes overprotective of my children - and mine are quite valid.  I'm learning though as we enter this new phase that the birth pain is still there - I still want to swaddle them and protect them from the future pains they will face but doing so will only weaken them and me.  They have to stand on their own two feet and they have to fall down in order to learn to pick themselves up. 

Just like the verse says - let perseverance finish its work so you may be mature and complete - even when the pain seems great we have to press on to become what God wants us to be. 

Birthing babies is hard work and the process never really ends and they will always be my babies.

Monday, September 28, 2015


1 Peter 5:6 NIV Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
James 4:10 NIV Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Some days the conversations in my car are weird and humorous and delirious from exhaustion. Then there are mornings where we get to just have words of God.  Today was a word of God day.  Just a brief interaction about humility.  I truly am blessed with amazing kids and they both are wise and very attractive.  But the most beautiful part of both of them is their compassionate hearts.  Such different personalities but such sweet spirits. 
Talking with my son this morning reminded me of how important it is that we humble ourselves.  I once heard a pastor say he was told never to ask God to be humbled that the humbling should start with us and both the verses above are very clear that we are to humble ourselves.  What does that mean and how do we do that?  I can't tell you a step by step guide to humility but I can tell you what I know to be true to me.  Humility doesn't mean self deprecation, low self esteem or being the doormat for the world. 
Humility starts with God.  If we don't first love God then we don't understand how deeply we are loved.  God loves us beyond anything we can imagine and once we recognize that we are loved and worthy of love then we can love ourselves and then others as ourselves.  When we love others we recognize that we can't be selfish or put ourselves first.  Loving people takes humility.  It means we don't think we are better than them or different than them - it means we recognize we are all broken and worthy of love.  So don't wait to be lifted up in this world for your great achievements - in humility love so that God will lift you up in His time.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

Ephesians 6:10-12 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

School is hard work.  In my lifetime I had the challenge of experiencing a variety of schools in a variety of states and always public school.  I was blessed to have a good education that was well rounded and taught me a lot of needed information as well as some very good lessons in dealing with people and life.  I further went on to get my degree in Social Work from a private college.  Again I was blessed with more life experience and education. 

When I had kids I never hesitated to put them in public school.  For a variety of reasons I wanted them to experience education in this environment.  Partly because I couldn't afford private school but even more because I wanted them to learn how to stand up for themselves with teachers who might not be believers and to learn to interact with a variety of students that weren't just like them.  As it turned out my kids were able to experience schools in different states as well and we have been blessed to have incredible educators, administrators and teachers.  They haven't all believed like we do about God but they have always been about students. 

I'm proud to say my kids have had to face some challenging teachers and some challenging student relationships.  They've had to learn to be responsible and disciplined and that sometimes they have to make a stand for what they believe.  As my kids are both ending their time at their current schools - one as a senior in high school and one as a senior in college I am proud of who they are becoming.  They have both been blessed with a good education and life experience that will carry them far.

Very recently the high school where my son is about to finish has come under attack.  The principal is a believer and has always been vocal in his support of our students and his teachers.  He has never forced his beliefs on anyone to my knowledge but lives his life in school as he does in life - with Christ as his obvious leader.  The words "May God Bless You" and the fact that some of our students wanted to place prayer boxes in our school have brought him under fire.  Personally I think prayer never left school because those who know anything about school know that every time there is a test or a teacher asks for a volunteer there is prayer happening.  I personally think that if anyone offers to pray for me regardless of what they believe that's a good thing.  And for anyone to offer me a blessing of any kind is a positive. 

We teach our kids to stand up for their rights and to stand for what they believe in - whatever that is and yet when an adult does the same thing we are teaching our children to do they are reprimanded.  How dumb is that?  I teach my kids about God and expect them to be strong in their beliefs and they are going to become adults and I expect them to continue to do the same as adults. 

As Christians - believers - we are going to come under attack because we are not of this world.  If we don't look different and act different then we aren't doing what we are called to do.  I think in our world of intolerance we have forgotten the most important thing - we are called to love everyone not fight against them.  Our fight is not against other people - we aren't called to be angry about someone else's choice.  We are called to love one another as ourselves.  And when we do we will make someone angry - because our fight is in the spiritual realm - and satan will use someone else's anger to try to defeat us. 

Our fight is on our knees.  I'm praying for my students - for my educators and for the ones who are unhappy about our school.  But beyond that I'm praying God will be seen in all that I do - because my actions speak louder than my words.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Thursday, September 24, 2015

It's Not My Fault

Psalm 139:13-14 NIV For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
How many times have we said - "It's not my fault" - and then proceed to find someone to blame?  I read something this week and I wanted to reach through the internet and tell a precious mom this very thing.  It's not your fault.  She was publicly sharing a very deep grief.  The loss of a baby - a sweet baby that didn't get a chance to live because life ended before birth.  The saddest part of her story was not the reminder to other new moms to treasure life but that she kept saying she failed her baby. 
The verses above rescued me from the same guilt.  When you lose someone you grieve - it's a normal part of life and that grief is a process and never fully ends.  When you lose a child it changes things.  Especially when that child dies while still inside your womb.  You suddenly feel guilt and you want to figure out what you did wrong or how you could have known before something happened.  It took this verse and a class full of fifth graders to bring me out of the guilt and failure part of my grief over losing my daughter.  I was teaching them and as I read these words God reminded me that He was there.  Right there with sweet Sarah Elizabeth holding her hand and preparing her life and then allowing her to be with Him.  I wasn't to blame.  God knew - He knew the plan - He knew.  
Another blog I read today spoke of deep grief.  To each person the loss that brings deep grief is different.  We all have grief that goes with us through each day and sometimes we want to blame someone, anyone for our pain.  Because if we can then maybe we won't feel so bad about it.  Sometimes choices can cause that grief and I wanted desperately to blame the doctor who didn't deliver our baby when I thought he should.  Then I just blamed myself.  What could have been different?  If Sarah had lived my life would look drastically different.  Instead of my son I would have my daughter.  But for whatever reason I have my son instead.  And what an amazing blessing he is - between my oldest daughter and my son I can see how this grief was turned to joy.  This mourning was turned to peace.  
And maybe - just maybe I can help someone else as they walk the road of grief.  You see there is a sunrise and a new day and when the deepest part of grief mellows we are able to see the beauty of life and treasure the days a little better. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Surprised by God

Matthew 13:15 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

We should never be surprised by God.  He wants nothing more than to bless us and He is greater than anything we can imagine.  And yet so often when He does something cool we are surprised by it.  Those big things He does for us are so easy to see and yet we often overlook the little things that He does each day just to make us smile.  I call them God Smiles and they are sometimes only meaningful to me. 

You have to look for them - being aware of the wonder of the world - our Creator, God did that for us.  The way the flowers bloom - some in the morning only - some only in the night.  We have lots of flowers at our house - mostly roses, but gardenias and morning glories (bloom in the morning) and moon flowers (bloom at night), all which provide great joy when I see them.  Knowing the God of creation made these all different in the way they bloom and look and yet I still get surprised when He does something unexpected. 

Is it because I'm blind and deaf to the true character of God?  He created us just to be with Him and then made sure we had everything we could possibly need - so why am I surprised when a hawk - one of many we see daily - flies directly in front of the car so we can see the power in his wings and the way he zooms in on breakfast.  Why am I surprised when my daughter gets a note about graduate school that is from someone she doesn't know but who quotes her favorite scripture?

I should expect everything from Him and yet I don't.  Often I just expect to get through the days and even when I'm seeking I'm sometimes still surprised.  It boils down to trust.  Instead of trusting that the God who wove me together in amazing ways cares enough to send me a smile, I expect what is natural.  The supernatural is all around me - every day - in the minute details of life.  God is the same today as He was when He created it all and I limit Him in this world.  He is the great I AM - the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Open my eyes that I may see and my ears that I might hear - all that You, God
want to do and say in my life - make me aware and help me expect the supernatural. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Am I the only one who gets great satisfaction when I'm plucking my eyebrows and I get the whole thing by the root.  That just thrills my soul.  It's the little things that tend to make me happy and that is a little thing.  While I was plucking my eyebrows this morning I was reminded of a strange truth.  My left eyebrow has to be maintained more consistently than my right one.  Why? Because I have a scar that runs at an angle up from my eyebrow and if I don't maintain the eyebrow on that side it would be very challenged and grow with a v shape to it.  Not only that but thanks to my genetics I feel quite certain it would just grow straight across and I would have a wonderful unibrow. 

This scar made me think though.  It has been there since I was small thanks to a run in with a coffee table.  Considering it's size it was probably quite large early on in life but over the years it has faded considerably.  It's always been a part of me and over the years I've adapted my eyebrows to accept it and keep things on my face in a relatively smooth flow.  Regretfully it is not the only scar I have.  There's one under my chin from jumping off the side of pool backwards and not quite clearing the edge.  One on my hand from an iron and of course the large one from the birth of my two children. 

Some of my scars are visible to anyone who sees me - if they pay attention - but some scars aren't as obvious.  This reminded me that many of us carry scars that no one ever sees.  The scars that mark our soul and our heart with crisscross patterns and puckers and red bruised areas.  Some of those scars shape who we become and how we interact with the world.  They are the ones that can keep us living in fear. 

I'm currently reading the book "Killing Jesus" and it is a wonderful historical look at the life of Christ.  The last chapter I read was specifically about the beating and events that led up to the actual placement on the cross.  To read the vivid details reminded me that there were scars on Jesus that we don't think about.  I know for myself the hands and feet and side are the ones that I think of.  But He would have had a mess of scars on his back and on His forehead from the scourging and the crown of thorns.  He suffered unbearable pain and death - willingly - lovingly giving Himself so the horrible people who killed Him could be with Him in eternity. 

What do my scars say about me?  Am I bitter, angry, fearful or full of distrust because of my scars.  I sometimes lean towards that fear and distrust.  It's an ongoing battle in the spiritual world that I can only fight on my knees.  I pray that you will not let your scars hold you back but let them be a part of what God uses in you to reach out to someone else who is just feeling a similar injury.  I think that's why God sometimes lets us break and scar - so we can show how He can make us flawless and allows us the ability to comfort someone else.

Friday, September 18, 2015

It's Not About Me

Philippians 2:3-4 NIV Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

If we all looked to the interests of others before our own what a different world it would be.  Pride, self-centeredness, arrogance and the me first mentality permeate our society.  Some days the way I hear people talking about those in their lives literally turns my stomach.  Although, I've done my share of complaining and dragging down those around me, every day I realize more and more that the old adage "kill them with kindness" is amazingly true. 

When we get frustrated with our friends, family, coworkers or just random people in our lives what a powerful message to not only them but ourselves if we would only doing something kind instead of ranting and getting in our head to demean them.  Not even actually, physically doing anything - but maybe just taking a moment and praying for them.  Trying to remember that satan so desperately wants us to be unhappy and at odds with other people that if he can get in our heads through little things like irritating people then he wins. 

Trying to see the bigger picture rather than focusing on the momentary irritation.  What can we learn from someone else's behavior that would help to shape us into a better picture of Christ.  Lately, an urgency of compassion and communication seems to overtake me.  I love nothing more than talking about the things of God with my children.  They are both nearly grown and having deep intimate conversation with them about the Bible and what it means to be a Christian just fills my spirit with joy and a desire to learn even more because they think deep and push me to walk as close with God as I can so that I can talk from a place of personal understanding. 

As believers if we don't practice humility - I don't mean door mat syndrome - but true humility where we seek to serve those in our lives then we aren't reflecting the Savior who washed His disciples feet right before they all scattered out of fear.  What an example!  He loved them all so much even when He knew one would fully betray Him and the rest would desert Him in the hour of His deepest need. 

Love your people - because we aren't promised tomorrow.  Make sure each conversation and moment ends with the certainty they know they are loved. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Without Him

John 3:16 (NIV)  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I was once asked where I would be in life if not for Jesus.  Dwelling on what I know about myself, my personality type, my weaknesses and my strengths made me realize that without Jesus there is every chance I wouldn't be here today and I don't just mean where I am in life or what I'm doing.  I probably wouldn't still be alive.  The day I realized that gave me a great appreciation for all that God has brought into my life to shape me into who I am today and that there has been one constant for a very long time.  Just Jesus. 

Jesus has been the one thing that I could count on to be there.  He has never failed me, has never broken a promise, is trustworthy and full of integrity.  He has never let me down or been less than I expected.  What a freeing thought.  To know that the one I plan to spend eternity with is the only thing I have ever or will ever need and without Him I am nothing. 

With that thought my entire perspective about life and people changed.  I want to be to those who are a part of my life an example of that kind of love and strength.  Oh, I know I can't fully be that to anyone else but if I seek Him daily then hopefully He will work in me the miracle of change that can only fully be complete when I see Him face to face. 

So, if anything else is the focus in life then odds are you will be disappointed and discouraged with people and life.  Because no one else can provide what you need except for Christ.  If you have not done this here is a simple format to accept Jesus as your Savior.


Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Just a Smile

Job 29: 24 When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it; the light of my face was precious to them.

Job was speaking of the time before he faced the trials that deeply changed his relationship with God.  He was a man of righteousness and even during the hardest times, though he questioned God, he never doubted that God was there. 

It's easy to smile during the good times but a smile takes a lot of work when you are happy and even more during the bad times that life throws our way.  It's been said that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile and after just now reading a study on that, a case can be made that this is true.  Unless you limit a smile and a frown to a very minimal movement of the lips there are more muscles involved in a true full faced smile versus a true face pulling down frown.  Now don't judge my science here, I'm just summarizing an article to make a point.  The thing about a smile versus a frown is that the mere movement of muscles can truly affect your whole attitude and demeanor.  When we smile we feel it all the way to our hearts and it can spill that over to someone else.  When we frown it can overwhelm us and keep us locked in sorrow.

When I was in the fifth grade we lived in the house that had belonged to my grandparents.  A farm house in the country with an old water spigot in the back yard that stood about three feet high.  It was a great place to play and one evening playing with siblings and cousins a game called ghost in the graveyard, which was similar to tag, I ran into that water spigot.  I hit it full on with my mouth and busted one of my front teeth completely in half.  Needless to say it was quite painful.  The thing that I remember most is not the pain - although the dentist sends fear through my heart to this day.  No, what I remember most is that I was afraid of how it would make me look.  I was a young girl about to hit puberty and face boys and a future that I now knew would be without my natural teeth and I didn't want to be ugly. 

It's sad but we are so wrapped up in how we look and what people see that it becomes where we find out acceptance.  I hate to say it but I've spent too much of my life more worried about what people will think or say about me and not nearly enough time wondering what God is thinking about me.  Recently when I looked back at some old pictures I realized that my smile changed after that accident.  Oh, I had the tooth crowned and my teeth didn't change much - but my smile changed.  It didn't come as easily and was seldom big enough that you could see my teeth.  Why?  Because I was afraid.  Afraid people would notice and say something. 

Now when I look in the mirror that crown has shifted some and my dentist wants to replace it.  I haven't been able to make it a priority so it still taunts me but lately I've started paying more attention to what God thinks about me than what the mirror says.  Smiling a toothy smile still doesn't happen often but I'm not afraid to leave my house without makeup or see people without being perfect.  Don't get me wrong, I think there is nothing wrong with looking nice and being presentable.  But that isn't my priority anymore.  I would much rather the world see my heart is focused on God and be sure that I'm prayed up and ready for battle with the spiritual realm than worry about trying to hide my flaws.  We do a disservice to people when we put on our happy mask with the perfect teeth and try to tell them about a God who heals.  People need to see our heart, our hurts, our broken teeth and know that God heals all the cracks and pours through them. 

So put your smile on - the Joy of the Lord and go out and show Jesus more than you show the right clothes or face.  We all are broken and we all have issues, just be who God made you and keep striving to be more like Him and then others will see the truth in you and what's on the outside will fade behind the glow of what's on the inside. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bubbly Shoes

Genesis 9: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

I've never seen shoes bubble. Friday night however, I saw bubbly shoes.  My son was preparing to do the Honor Guard with his JROTC team at the football game.  The sky was cloudy with just that smidgeon of a rainbow off behind us and we hoped that the weather would hold until the flag was flying half mast as it should be on September 11 for the game. 
God had another plan and the rain began just as they called the commands to raise the flag.  Once to the top to bring it back to half the wind was fierce and it was truly a deluge.  Very quickly the kids were drenched in their uniforms from hat to spit shined shoes and the flag had to come completely down and the kids had to return to the school very wet. 
For nearly eight years, first my daughter and now my son have been a part of the JROTC program at the school and it has been a huge part of our lives.  One thing that has always impressed me about these kids is that they never lose their bearing in the face of difficult situations.  The bearing is how they hold their poise and straight faces during presentations and competitions.  Oh, I've seen tears and frustration before and after events but never during.  You would never know by their faces if they were frustrated, angry or upset or drenched.  Oh they hustled a little more than usual in the rain but during the process of hauling flags up and down you would have never known by their faces it was raining. 
It was a first for me to experience the complete drenching that we received and the first time to see bubbly shoes.  I can only assume that the laundry soap in the socks had not fully rinsed out and it was coming out between the seams of the shoes.  It was humorous.  The kids laughed and never lost their enthusiasm and during the process never lost their bearing.  Why?  because they train - a lot.  To maintain their stance and bearing whatever the situation. 
As believers if we spent so much time in the word that our bearing never changed in the face of storms what would that look like.  I believe it would look like deep joy bubbling out our faces and hearts.  Oh difficult situations or storms might not have laughter attached to them but our hearts would be at peace in the one that we spend time with.  God is our anchor in the storm.  The rock of our salvation. 
And after the storms and rain we may see a rainbow or a ...


Friday, September 11, 2015

Changing History

Some days change the course of history.  Fourteen years ago on September 11 the history of America changed.  Today we still grieve.  I have learned that grief is never ending.  Loss comes in all forms, from losing something or someone we love, to shattered dreams and expectations.  I've lost loved ones, the expectation of normal, and watched life change in an instant. It's fleeting and change and grief are always a part of life. 

One thing that I know about grief is that it too changes.  What may burn dark and deep at first may mellow and stew over time until it changes from that overwhelming sense of brokenness to something that brings laughter and precious memories with the tears.  Each day is a blessing and if we don't intentionally make moments into memories then sometimes the days fade into the background. 
Matthew 5:4 (NIV)  Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just One Button

Technology is amazing and when we know how to use it often it will simplify our lives.  I remember in high school learning to make copies on a mimeograph machine or a ditto machine.  Both are not used in today's electronic age.  It was always a challenge and could be quite messy and man if you made a mistake it was not good.

Today my secretarial tasks are much simpler.  My computer and printer do just about anything I could ask them to do.  However, it can still get complicated.  For instance if you are making binders with 236 pages each and you fail to hit the sort button on the copy machine then you get to sort manually.  If you happen to be extra tired when you start sorting and get your pages messed up then before you know it you are way out of sync and have to sit down and figure out where you messed up. 

It made me stop and think about how I could have started over - I could have thrown thousands of pieces of paper away and just recopied everything all synced up and in order.  That would have been much simpler but extremely wasteful.  So I powered through and with the help of a coworker got things back in order and sorted out. 

How often do we just miss pushing one button?  Miss that one step that would simplify our life or our day or our moment.  I was reminded that when I don't spend time with God - either in the Bible or in prayer then my days and weeks and years can get so out of sync.  I begin to lose a vital part of me.  The part that can love and be compassionate.  Even Jesus took time away to rest and regroup.  Spending time with God in the morning or some time early in the day just puts things in perspective and makes the hours go smoother.  I just need to remember to push the sort button to keep things prioritized.

Luke 22:40 - 44, 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Do Unto Others

Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Sometimes its hard to be nice.  People, circumstances or just our attitudes make it really hard to be a nice person.  Many times we treat others how we have been treated - not how we would like to be treated.  Retaliation, a cold shoulder, and ugliness is always easier than trying to see the other side of a situation or the reason behind someone else's actions.

Some days people just get on my nerves.  Being introverted doesn't mean I don't like people but it does mean that many days I just don't have the energy to deal with them.  So I have to try extra hard to find the good things in someone instead of just letting my attitude take over. Those days require more grace than I have in my own power.  I'm finding daily that if I will seek God first - before I encounter other people then people are easier.  When we seek God the fruit of the Spirit can become the fruit that others see in us first.  It allows us to fulfill the 1 Corinthians 13 type of love that Christ talks about.  When Christ fills us with His Spirit then the fruit is found in the way we love and treat others.

Fruit doesn't grow over night.  It requires constant care and attention - weeding out the ugly weeds and watering and fertilizing all are necessary for a plant to bear fruit.  Just as a garden is a whole lot of work so is our walk with Christ.  We don't just say a prayer and become fully perfected.  We have to water and feed our walk so that we become fruit bearers.  The fruit that the Spirit wants us to bear is in Galatians.  The fruit that reflects Christ in all that we do and all that we say.  Only when finally come into His presence in heaven will we find perfection.

Growing up we are constantly told to follow the golden rule, "Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you."  What an amazing world this would be if we would all follow this one verse.  We all want to be loved for who we are and to be treated with dignity and respect.  Yet we often fail to treat others the same.  Our expectation of others loving us the way we want, falls short when we realize to gain love we have to give love.  It truly is amazing what one small act of kindness can do. 

When love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are given to those you come in contact with then the same comes back to you a hundred fold.  But as a people we are selfish and expect that treatment without giving it first.  I'm learning to appreciate the power of just being kind and looking for that in others.  I can change the world around me if I choose to love as Christ and live out the fruit of the Spirit.  It's a daily challenge and prayer is my only hope.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Forever Friends

John 15:15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
It's Friday before Labor Day and the weekend is longer than normal.  A small trip away and some time with my minions (my new favorite term for my kids) to visit the man I love and very possibly my best friend ever.  Getting away is great and spending time with my kids away is even better but seeing him is the best. 

I don't use the words best friend lightly, because I've known a lot of people in my short lifetime and called many friend, the definition of that word is significant to me.  In this world its far too easy to claim the title friend.  The list of people I know on Facebook currently totals 863 and they are called friends.  That includes quite a few who are family and many who know me well but a whole lot of them that have the name "friend" really would be more accurately defined as acquaintances, associates or people I know.  In some ways that's a sad statement to make but the reality is that as we grow and change in life our relationships do and should as well.  The one relationship that should grow closer and deeper is our relationship with the Father.  We should want more and more and more of Him. 

Of those people who have the title friend in my life a handful of those are truly close friends.  They know my heart.  They hopefully see the real me and not the one who puts her makeup on every morning to look acceptable to the world.  You see we all have the person behind the mask - the one who no one really sees.  That person the Father calls friend and was willing to send His Son to die for.  The ugly me that thinks scary thoughts and sometimes lets those out in ugly words. 

In one of the many devotionals I was reading this morning it talked about being able to drop in at a friend's house pretty much in your pajamas and not care that you look like you rolled out of bed.  If only we could feel that transparent and comfortable when we walk into our churches on Sunday morning.  Obviously I wouldn't be comfortable worshipping in my pajamas at church (at home maybe) but if I was that transparent and without my mask at church it would draw the broken so much better than with my mask.  As church goers we need to let go of the mask and be believers who are broken so those who see us can see that yes we are broken but by God's grace we are healed.  Because I don't think anyone wants to come to a church where the perfect people are always perfect.  We all have our imperfections.  We just cover them in nice clothes, good makeup or a mask. 

Of my closer friends there are even a couple who know the ugliness of my soul and still call me friend.  They've seen me in my deepest sin and challenged me or loved me through it.  Those are the ones who helped shape my faith by holding me accountable and drawing me back to my loving Father. 

My prayer for today is that God would continually give me the courage to be transparent.  Not necessarily telling all to the world but not being afraid to share that I'm not perfect but my healer is.  I want to be someone that people can say what you see is what you get.  She isn't fake or phony.  She's not perfect but that's okay because each morning she starts new like the sun rising in the sky and begins again - hopefully improving each day. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mornings Are Not My Friend

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

I am not a morning person.   I don't really care for mornings. Not a night owl either.  Really I'm good about mid-day.  This can be a challenge for the people that I come in contact with.  Especially in the morning after a late night.  Grumpy could be my name. 

Quiet in the morning is what charges my battery.  That and a good cup of coffee.  Since mornings are hard it makes spending quality time with God difficult.  Luckily, I usually get to work a little earlier than most and can spend some time just getting my head on straight and my attitude adjusted before the day goes very far.  Mornings that start rushed can suddenly become slower and more focused. 

It's so necessary to spend this time with God, at least for me.  If I don't then I quickly get overwhelmed by people.  My natural tendency is to be alone so the effort it requires to deal with people requires significant battery charging in the quiet to prepare.  Jesus often went away to be alone and once He chose the disciples He did the same for them.  He knew they would get overwhelmed with life and the challenges they would face.  Jesus knew that quiet and rest were necessary to move forward in the work we are called to do.

Whatever you are called to do - do it to the best of your ability.  But don't forget to rest.  However rest looks for you - time outside, in a closet or just sitting like a lump.  More importantly rest in the Father because He alone can give you rest and refreshing like no other.

Mark 6:31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Rock

Psalm 18:1-2,  I love you, Lord, my strength.  The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Fear can be completely overwhelming.  It burrows deep and erodes away your security.  Often it prevents you from trying new things or moving forward altogether.  I got the rock in the picture from a friend a long time ago and I've kept it as a visual reminder of where my security truly is.  Just like when we fail to build something with a strong foundation if we live our lives without the foundation that never fails, then fear will many times overwhelm us and take us down.

My minions, as they were recently named, are both on the verge of starting new things and we've talked at length about the fear that often comes up when they try to plan the tomorrows.  I just keep reminding them to cling to the rock - the only real strength in the face of any storm. He is our rock and He will work out His plan in their lives and in mine. 

I learned the song below many years ago on a mission trip to the Pacific Northwest.  I loved it then and it speaks great truth still today.  God is my strength and my salvation and through all the fear and change and new things He has never changed.

Rock Of My Salvation
You are the rock of my salvation.
You are the strength of my life.
You are my hope and my inspiration.
Lord unto You will I cry.

I believe in you, believe in you.
For your faithful love to me.
You have been my help
in time of need.
Lord unto You will I cleave.

You are the rock of my salvation.
You are the strength of my life.
You are my hope and my inspiration.
Lord unto You will I cry.

You are the rock of my salvation.
You are the strength of my life.
You are my hope and my inspiration.
Lord unto You will I cry.

I believe in you, believe in you.
For your faithful love to me.
You have been my help
in time of need.
Lord unto You will I cleave.

You are the rock of my salvation.
You are the strength of my life.
You are my hope and my inspiration.
Lord unto You will I cry.

You are the rock of my salvation.
You are the strength of my life.
You are my hope and my inspiration.
Lord unto You will I cry.
Songwriters: MULLER, TERESA E.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Food Fight

Food is such an integral part of our lives.  Yes we need it to sustain us and it keeps us healthy, most of the time.  Lately for me food has become an unbearable struggle.  Growing up I never ate a lot but never really cared what I ate one way or another.  If it tasted good and I liked it then I ate.  I was always on the go and active so weight wasn't an issue.  Of course as all teen girls I was concerned with how I looked and wanted that flat even concave stomach but it was not a challenge for me to maintain.  I road my bike a lot and even had to buy pants to fit my thighs not my waist. 

Of course that didn't last.  Age, babies and a general lack of activity began the more obvious struggle with weight and appearance and of course I actually began to enjoy food more because my ex-husband was an incredible chef and made food even more appealing.  Left to my own devices, cooking and food have and always probably will be too much trouble in my book so when I prepare my own food it tends to be much more minimal. 

In the last year, however, I honestly feel that food is my enemy.  Mostly because I have discovered that I'm allergic to a large quantity of foods that I actually like to eat.  My current living situation is with my parents and again I am in the house with someone who likes to cook so there is far more food to contend with and the allergies have created a struggle.  It requires much more thought than any of us like to put into food and the ramifications of finding something I can eat have become more life altering.  Reactions to these foods can range from minor to more and more severe.  Nothing like being afraid to eat to help you maintain your weight. 

Add to that a new diagnosis in the last month of insulin resistance and man does that create even more challenges.  So now my body is not only fighting food but can't quite process certain foods correctly to allow me to burn it off and utilize it appropriately.  So now you see why food seems to have become the enemy.  It's a fight to find something that doesn't make me break out in hives or have trouble breathing and doesn't cause my carb and sugar levels to go crazy.  So food seems to be more trouble than its worth. 

Okay, I'm done whining.  I'm trying to cling to this verse in Philippians 4:13 (NIV) I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Also Psalm 139 - especially verse 14 reminds me that God created me and knows exactly what I need.  I just need to rest in Him and be diligent about what I put in this body that He gave me.