Matthew 13:15 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.
We should never be surprised by God. He wants nothing more than to bless us and He is greater than anything we can imagine. And yet so often when He does something cool we are surprised by it. Those big things He does for us are so easy to see and yet we often overlook the little things that He does each day just to make us smile. I call them God Smiles and they are sometimes only meaningful to me.
You have to look for them - being aware of the wonder of the world - our Creator, God did that for us. The way the flowers bloom - some in the morning only - some only in the night. We have lots of flowers at our house - mostly roses, but gardenias and morning glories (bloom in the morning) and moon flowers (bloom at night), all which provide great joy when I see them. Knowing the God of creation made these all different in the way they bloom and look and yet I still get surprised when He does something unexpected.
Is it because I'm blind and deaf to the true character of God? He created us just to be with Him and then made sure we had everything we could possibly need - so why am I surprised when a hawk - one of many we see daily - flies directly in front of the car so we can see the power in his wings and the way he zooms in on breakfast. Why am I surprised when my daughter gets a note about graduate school that is from someone she doesn't know but who quotes her favorite scripture?
I should expect everything from Him and yet I don't. Often I just expect to get through the days and even when I'm seeking I'm sometimes still surprised. It boils down to trust. Instead of trusting that the God who wove me together in amazing ways cares enough to send me a smile, I expect what is natural. The supernatural is all around me - every day - in the minute details of life. God is the same today as He was when He created it all and I limit Him in this world. He is the great I AM - the same yesterday, today and forever.
Open my eyes that I may see and my ears that I might hear - all that You, God
want to do and say in my life - make me aware and help me expect the supernatural.
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