Friday, September 25, 2015

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

Ephesians 6:10-12 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

School is hard work.  In my lifetime I had the challenge of experiencing a variety of schools in a variety of states and always public school.  I was blessed to have a good education that was well rounded and taught me a lot of needed information as well as some very good lessons in dealing with people and life.  I further went on to get my degree in Social Work from a private college.  Again I was blessed with more life experience and education. 

When I had kids I never hesitated to put them in public school.  For a variety of reasons I wanted them to experience education in this environment.  Partly because I couldn't afford private school but even more because I wanted them to learn how to stand up for themselves with teachers who might not be believers and to learn to interact with a variety of students that weren't just like them.  As it turned out my kids were able to experience schools in different states as well and we have been blessed to have incredible educators, administrators and teachers.  They haven't all believed like we do about God but they have always been about students. 

I'm proud to say my kids have had to face some challenging teachers and some challenging student relationships.  They've had to learn to be responsible and disciplined and that sometimes they have to make a stand for what they believe.  As my kids are both ending their time at their current schools - one as a senior in high school and one as a senior in college I am proud of who they are becoming.  They have both been blessed with a good education and life experience that will carry them far.

Very recently the high school where my son is about to finish has come under attack.  The principal is a believer and has always been vocal in his support of our students and his teachers.  He has never forced his beliefs on anyone to my knowledge but lives his life in school as he does in life - with Christ as his obvious leader.  The words "May God Bless You" and the fact that some of our students wanted to place prayer boxes in our school have brought him under fire.  Personally I think prayer never left school because those who know anything about school know that every time there is a test or a teacher asks for a volunteer there is prayer happening.  I personally think that if anyone offers to pray for me regardless of what they believe that's a good thing.  And for anyone to offer me a blessing of any kind is a positive. 

We teach our kids to stand up for their rights and to stand for what they believe in - whatever that is and yet when an adult does the same thing we are teaching our children to do they are reprimanded.  How dumb is that?  I teach my kids about God and expect them to be strong in their beliefs and they are going to become adults and I expect them to continue to do the same as adults. 

As Christians - believers - we are going to come under attack because we are not of this world.  If we don't look different and act different then we aren't doing what we are called to do.  I think in our world of intolerance we have forgotten the most important thing - we are called to love everyone not fight against them.  Our fight is not against other people - we aren't called to be angry about someone else's choice.  We are called to love one another as ourselves.  And when we do we will make someone angry - because our fight is in the spiritual realm - and satan will use someone else's anger to try to defeat us. 

Our fight is on our knees.  I'm praying for my students - for my educators and for the ones who are unhappy about our school.  But beyond that I'm praying God will be seen in all that I do - because my actions speak louder than my words.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

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