Thursday, November 19, 2015

Only One Call

If you could only make one call at a time when life seemed difficult, who would it be?  I am really being hammered right now to remember that the first call or conversation I should have when I'm facing tough times is with God.  Before I spill my guts and ask for help from anyone else I need to take it to Him first.  He loves when we cry out to Him and search His word for help.  He gladly sends answers which may very well come from another believer.  But our first call should be to Him. 

If we truly trust Him to control our lives and lead us in the right path we should go to Him first.  This is probably one of the things I struggle with the most.  You see - I'm a control freak.  I like to schedule things out and know what is going to happen next.  Regretfully my life doesn't always go the way I plan.  I don't get to decide what other people should do or how they should act or where they should go.  I only get to decide about me.  The first thing I have to decide is that God is in control and then let Him do just that.  Control - guide - direct and show me what He wants me to do.  I can't be god to anyone else and I can't make choices for them.  What a boring world it would be if everyone did things exactly like I think they should and the way I want. 

God made us all different and we each have to determine our path - hopefully with Him at the center and us becoming more like Him.  But that doesn't mean we all become the same - just as we each have unique personalities we have unique ways of putting Him first and becoming like Him.  When it's all said and done who I am shaped to be is unique in Him and He will have the last say.  So first I need to go to Him and then get out of His way and let Him shape me and those I love exactly the way He wants. 

For a control freak mama that can be hard.  But today - right now - I know my God is a big God and has a plan for everyone in my life - and He doesn't need my help.  Thank goodness because I can't be god.

Matthew 6:33-24 (NIV)  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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