Wednesday, November 11, 2015

When I am Weak

Today is Veterans Day and having been a military kid I appreciate the sacrifices that are made in the name of freedom. Our country is free because we fight to keep it that way. It takes more than one person to maintain freedom. 

Christ died to give us freedom from the chains that satan likes to bind us with. And in our weaknesses He is strong. But we need the help of other soldiers to face the days. As moms we need other moms to help and encourage us when we feel overwhelmed. As students we need other students who can tell us you will get through this. As friends we need friends who will lift us up when we are down and in turn we can lift them when they are down. 

Whatever the circumstances. We can't do life alone. We weren't made for that. We have to have other people to help us when we fall. I'm grateful for friends and family who have fought for my freedom abut even more grateful for a God who gave me the freedom to stand with Him.  His power is sufficient for all my needs. He sends the right people at the right time to help me be strong. I just have to trust Him and obey Him. 

“say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.””
Isaiah 35:4 NIV

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