Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. PSA.51.10.ESV
I am not a fan of dusting. It is one of those chores that I put off until the last possible minute. Typically that comes about when I notice I can write on the table or the dust bunnies start to look like they can carry off the dog. Oh, I clean my house, vacuum, mop, and all the other fun tasks but I just don't dust weekly.
Today was a dust day. It was time and it seemed that it spoke volumes to me this morning. I was contemplating some other emotional struggles and in light of those I had a small epiphany. How do those tiny little particles of dust come together to create visible dust bunnies?
Little specs of nothing seem to gather together and create piles and strips of thick dust. It is overwhelming to contemplate. In light of my epiphany I had this thought. Emotions are the same way. So often we store up little hurts or little perceived negative feelings until they become nasty little or big dust bunnies. The big difference between dust and emotions is that when you want you can wash away dust bunnies. Just sweep them out and mop. Feelings and emotions don't quite work that way.
Emotions that are spawned by tiny little feelings can suddenly spew out in great negatives unless we learn to take them captive. The problem is that if we aren't addressing them on a regular basis then when we finally do we are seen as being mean or ugly. What should ideally happen is we should communicate the hurts early and often so they don't fester and mold into giant dust bunny farms.
Sometimes we easily recognize the hurt feelings or perceived slights and we can rationally process them as most likely our own over active imagination. But when enough perceived hurts come together then the perception tends to become the reality. What we perceive as real is what we usually believe to be real. I tend to over think my emotions and usually will just keep them locked up and process them in my own quiet until I can control them. But every now and then they sneak up on me and come out. Our emotions will escape their borders if we don't process and deal with them and that is something I so easily forget.
I was talking to my son just this week and he was washing dishes that had gotten a little smelly. I reminded him that the longer they sit the more they smell. It's the same with dust and hurt feelings. The longer they sit the bigger we let them become. I find when I let it sit too long then I have to apologize to someone for overreacting to something.
Maybe one day I will be able to just not let the little things hurt my feelings and then it won't matter but that is something I'm still working on. Just like the verse Romans 12:2,
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
I have to learn to take my emotions and hurt feelings and give them to God. Otherwise they take over and create other issues. So I am still working on putting this verse into action. Transforming my mind to stop focusing on me and focus more on Him. It's the only way to keep those pesky emotions from becoming giant dust bunnies.