Thursday, December 10, 2015

Foggy Brain

“Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.””
John 20:29 NIV

This morning was a foggy morning. We've had a few of those this past week as the weather can't decide if it's going to be hot or cold. Living in the south has it advantages and mild temperatures can be part of that but right now the weather is just confused. 

Some days my brain is that way. Confused. Foggy and just slow. Today was one of those days. I was practicing my memory verses with my son on our ride to work and I got them all convoluted. My brain was as foggy as the weather. 

The last few days I've been thinking about doubt. The definition of doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.  I have those days. Days where I doubt everything. My clothes, my hair, my whole physical being. I doubt that food is healthy and that what I see in the mirror is real or right. I doubt people and what they say versus what they do. Even worse some days I doubt what I believe.  Thankfully those doubtful days aren't lasting. Usually it's just a passing thought. A question that comes up and I wonder. 

Isn't that how it starts? A passing thought that so easily leads us down a path of searching and seeking and sometimes burying us in the wrong thing. I've learned that when I have those doubts no matter how big or small I have to immediately take them captive and filter them through truth. I have to reach for the hand of my Father - through His word and prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to replace those thoughts with His thoughts and truth. 

When I think of doubt in the bible I think of Peter and Thomas. Two disciples who both had doubts. Peter briefly took his eyes off Jesus when he was walking on the water and he begin to sink until he took the hand of the Savior. And Thomas had to see to believe that Christ was resurrected. Both had to see and touch the Savior to redirect their minds. 

The fog only obscures the things around it until the sun burns it off. Just like our doubts. Until the Son burns them away they are like the fog that clouds our faith. Seek Him at the first sign of fog. 

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?””
Matthew 14:31 NIV

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