Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sitting on the Roof

“Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.”
Proverbs 21:9 NIV

This past weekend I had to go up on the roof of the house to take care of some minor repairs. My helper - my son - came up with me to help me get the job done and monitor my safety. While we were up there he discovered it was actually a pleasant place to be. The weather was perfect and he discovered a stronger wi-fi connection. 

The next day it was also beautiful and he asked if he could spend some more time on the roof. At the time I thought this was humorous and had to refuse because there wouldn't be anyone there to know if he fell. 

Today as I was getting ready for work I was reminded of why we might all want to sometimes hide on the roof.  It's rather peaceful. When the weather is nice it tends to be quiet and there is a certain amount of solitude.  In our world today there is so much chaos and quarreling.

I was reminded of the verse in proverbs that mentions the corner of the roof being better than a house with a quarrelsome wife. Whether it's a wife or husband or just people it sometimes seems like the roof is the best place to be. Away from people and the opportunity for quarrels erupting. We all face choices that can create conflict and sometimes we would rather hide on the roof. 

Our society today seems to feed on differences of opinion. We all want our way to be the only way and the right way.  The reality is we are all different and we will have different views.  We allow our fear of what we do not understand to make us quarrel. Last night I was reminded that Christ came as a tiny baby requiring someone to do everything for Him. He didn't come with flaming swords and chariots into battle. He came humbly and lived His life serving those around Him. He taught His disciples that the first should be last and we should be like little children and care for others as if they were children. 

“Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.””
Mark 9:35-37 NIV

Being a Christian doesn't mean hiding on the roof to avoid those we don't want to serve or don't agree with. It means serving others humbly. It means not judging those who aren't exactly like us. 

I once sat in a coffee shop and overheard a group of ladies discussing other ladies who weren't present. Couched in prayer requests that quickly turned to gossip and judgment. I was tempted to hide on the roof. I have done the same thing and I'm ashamed to say it's sometimes easy to pass judgment on other friends and family who aren't living the way I think they should. 

When I was thinking about the "quarrelsome wife" I felt my heart sink. I do not do conflict well and I sometimes wish I could hide on the roof. But as a believer I'm called to stand for God and serve others. Having a servant's heart means thinking of others first. If we all did that more we wouldn't have to spend time on the roof to find a quiet place to rest. We would be encouragers. Striving to encourage one another to be the most like Christ we can.

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