Monday, December 14, 2015

Where We Come From

Over the years I've struggled reading the lists of genealogy and records in the Bible. I love to hear God's word and seek the information the Spirit wants to impart but the list of names seems tedious. Recently I had a moment of enlightenment. The genealogies define who the people of the Bible are. How they were shaped in life and what that means for their role on earth and in teaching us about their character. 

Growing up I didn't have the opportunity to know my grandparents well. We lived away and saw them over the summer and sometimes holidays and I have great memories although sparse of those times. Before I was out of elementary school I only had one grandparent still living.  For my kids I prayed they would have the opportunity to know their grandparents and even great grandparents with some depth of relationship. 

My kids are blessed to have known their great grandparents some and their grandparents very well. They can ask about where they came from and have wonderful memories of time spent with them. 

At this time of year I'm especially thankful for that. As parents we shape our children. For the good and the bad. We make choices hoping to give them the best opportunities to grow wise and caring. One choice I made a few years ago was to be sure that even though their father and I would not be together that I would do all I could to help them not lose any family connections. Their father and I worked together to be sure they could maintain those relationships. 
I'm grateful for that and I know they are as well. They haven't had to choose between us. 

As they get older they will have to choose to be intentional in keeping those relationships.  With their parents as well as their grandparents. They love hearing of their genealogy. The people who came before and how they came to be and as they grow and have kids they will have that to pass on to their kids. 

Lately I've been more aware of just how important that is. Families can damage one another in ways that outsiders never can. Through words and actions we can tear each other down and manipulate each other causing great difficulties and pain. Some even choose to turn their back on their families and leave heartache in their wake. I think the saddest part is when someone walks away from family and doesn't get to come back. They lose so much. As my parents get older I know how blessed I am to have had time with them. We don't always agree and I don't always agree with my siblings but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are my family and I am loved. 

I pray that during this holiday season if you can't trace your roots or you've some how disconnected from your family tree that you will take an example from the Bible and mend your genealogy.  Make peace a part of your Christmas and be sure that you don't wait until it's too late and someone has slipped away permanently. We aren't guaranteed forever and time flies too quickly. Before you know it - kids are grown and parents are gone and making peace becomes impossible. 

““Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”
Matthew 5:23-24 NIV 

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