Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Never Let Them Steal Your Joy

Joy is different than being happy. It's  taken me a while to get the difference between the two and some days I need a reminder. 

When I talk about joy I'm talking about the joy of the Lordthe gladness of heart that comes from knowing God.  It's a deeper sense of belonging and finding peace with all that goes on around me.  Being happy is a choice and is fleeting often determined by circumstance. 

I'm not always happy and I'm not one given to showing extreme emotion. It's just not my nature. I've learned over the years that the peace that abides in Christ and the joy of knowing Him go far deeper than my circumstances. 

The picture above is a ring that was given to me by a sweet friend who had a grasp of joy and peace. She told me when she gave it to me to never let anyone steal my joy. At the time I don't believe I fully comprehended what she meant. Since then I've learned that to maintain my joy is to keep my focus where it belongs. On the one who gives me eternal joy. 

Oh that doesn't mean I will always be happy. My emotions may fluctuate and I will face times where im not happy. But I can rest in the truth that joy is far greater than happiness. The joy of God is the deep assurance that one day my hope wil be complete in eternity with Him and the temporary sorrows of this world will vanish. That's real joy and guarding that truth against anything that happens in this world or from those who choose to be bitter and ugly or negative is what it means to not let anyone steal my joy. Don't let life keep your focus off of God. Spend time in the word and feeding on His truth and the joy will be present - even when life doesn't seem very joyful. 

“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”
John 15:10-11 NIV

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