Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Biscuits and Tomato Gravy

Saturday has always been the day of the big breakfast in my family. I grew up where almost every Saturday morning consisted of starting off with biscuits and tomato gravy. Some Saturday's might have been pancakes or some other breakfast delicacy but most of the time it was biscuits and gravy. The thing about Saturday morning breakfast that I remember most is that it was the day my dad would cook and would deliver it to my mom in bed.  During the week he was up and gone early and being a marine typically meant a Monday - Friday schedule so Saturday mornings allowed him to be home in the mornings and so he was the breakfast chef. 

Over the years the biscuit and gravy tradition has continued although now it isn't just on Saturdays and doesn't always get delivered and he cooks a lot more than just breakfast. Now the grandkids have learned that breakfast from granddaddy is pretty much whatever they ask him to make and he has even been known to make multiple breakfasts depending on the grandkids preferences. 

I know it might not make sense but breakfast is one way my dad shows his love. He spoils the grandkids because he loves them. He pampered my mom on Saturdays because he loves her. It's one love language that he uses. 

Over the years I've learned that we all express and receive love in different ways. There are books written about knowing your love language and knowing the love language of those you are in relationships with. This is very important because we associate love with actions or time. Because it is an emotion just saying the word isn't always enough. It's important to say but more important to show. 

My daughter shows love and relieves stress by baking, however she receives love via gifts. Not necessarily big gifts but tokens of the expression that show her she is being thought of and taken care of. My son receives love via time and touch. He needs hugs. He asks for them and gives them freely. Personally I tend to receive love in practical ways - someone doing the things that I would normally do so I don't have to. We are all different. 

Jesus gave love through the most sacrificial action. He gave His life just so we could be alive with Him forever. When we believe that and accept Him as our Savior then we should begin to look like Him. We should express our love to others by serving and loving everyone. Our friends, family and even enemies should be treated as worthy of sacrificial service. 

Love worth having is filled with action. It's not just a word it's an overflow of what is in our hearts and our lives. Christ should literally poke out all over. 

Show someone today how much you are loved by loving those around you. Our time here is short - don't waste a moment. 

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

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