Friday, October 2, 2015

Don't Follow Me

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.
Albert Camus

I heard this quote a long time ago and thought it was such a great word.  I don't make a good leader and I might not always follow so I would rather just walk beside you.  Today as I was getting ready for work I thought about followers.  In our social media driven society we want people to follow us.  Follow my Twitter, my Instagram, my Snapchat, my Facebook
Follow - follow - follow. 
Have you ever noticed that the first part of follow and the first part of folly are the same?  If we don't watch who we follow it can lead us into folly.  I was struck by how although I write this little blog and have other social media accounts I really don't want anyone to follow me.  Not in the true sense of the word.  If my words or pictures somehow touch your life or God uses them to speak to you then that is a great thing.  But what I really want to happen is for anyone who follows me to be led to the Father.  He is the one we need to follow.  His footsteps and guidelines are the ones we need to stay in tune with.  I can't lead where anyone needs to go. I can just hopefully be used by the one we should follow. 
I read a book not too long ago called "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman.  It was such a great reminder that as Christians we have to be willing to leave everything behind if we choose to follow God.  He wants our utmost and not just our fandom.  He wants us to be sold out - not just on Sunday morning and maybe a Wednesday night.  In our society today and as recently as yesterday some are being killed for being followers.  I know they were followers because they didn't hesitate to die for what they believe. 
Are you a follower - or just a fan?  God wants it all - every part of you - leave your comfort behind and follow the only one who is worthy of following.
John 10:27 NIV My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

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