Tonight I will attend the last Homecoming celebration where one of my kids will stand in a saber line and welcome the homecoming court onto the field. It's one of those lasts that my heart wants to get stuck on. I have loved seeing both my daughter and now my son put on AFJROTC uniforms and be the formal line in the center of the football field.
This last has the power to steal much of my joy if I choose to let it. As my son walks through his senior year of high school there will be many lasts. He is my baby and with his graduation much will change. Just as I processed the change with my daughter there was a lot of fear and we made many adjustments. I know I will survive but it does mark the end of one level of mothering.
Just as my relationship with my daughter has shifted into a much deeper relationship I know that it will create change with my son as well. It is a beginning of a new level of love, pride and even fear.
As I watch these little babies who have grown to be amazing people take big steps and make wise decisions I know there will be hard times ahead. So I'm praying even harder and deeper for God to be the center of their lives. Because ultimately He is the one who created them and He will fulfill the plan for their futures. He has been the one constant for us all.
So as I tick off the lasts for this year I'm praying that I won't get stuck on the last one but will cling to the first one. The many firsts that we will get to see in the coming years. I will seek to see the new beginnings rather than being stuck in the endings.
2 John 1:6 NIV and this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
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